Super Duper® StoryMaker App Review

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Super Duper StoryMaker App Review: Kid #1′s Scene

In case you hadn’t noticed, little Indiana and family put a huge emphasis on education (Indiana or otherwise)–and we all know that it works best when it’s organic!

Enter: Super Duper’s StoryMaker App for iPad.

Super Duper® StoryMaker App

It may be that I am secretly prepping our children to take over little Indiana at some point in the very far and distant future. But so far? Neither one of them professes a desire to be a writer. Bummer.

I have one son (age 7) that wants to be a Lego creator and President and a 3 year old son that wants to be a “fire truck guy” and Vice President.  We dream big in this house! But that was before the Super Duper StoryMaker App. I feel as though there may be a chance to fit “writer” in that list yet because, hey, if you can be a fire truck guy and Vice President, surely you can fit being a writer in there too, right?

Kid #1 didn’t sound particularly thrilled about trying out an app that let you create stories (I’m pretty sure he’s on to me) until he sat down with the Super Duper StoryMaker App! He was instantly hooked to this colorful iPad application! He couldn’t believe all the choices…and he got right to work. Kid #1 quickly figured his way around the app with no help from me.

Creating Stories with your iPad

Super Duper StoryMaker App Review: little Indiana’s Scene

Education-wise, the Super Duper StoryMaker App is a great way to sneak in spelling, grammar, and story mechanics. Kid #1 wants  his stories to be perfect and works extra hard to get things just right. But it’s also a whole lot of fun!

More than 800 people, places, and items to choose from keeps things interesting. Kids can draw their own characters or even use their own images. Without any recognizable characters, it pushes kids to create stories of their very own.

Places like the beach, bank, dentist’s office, elevator, kitchen, church, museum, and so on and on ensure the fun doesn’t end. People of all ages and occupation, clothing and accessories, food, animals of many shapes and sizes, the weather, things, transport, and time–well, you get the idea that Super Duper put a lot of thought into this one!

Finished? Print or email and share it if you have the “pro” version!

iPad Apps for Kids

I can’t think of a better way to get kids interested in spelling and grammar and to stimulate creativity (and perhaps a change of career).

It’s no surprise that Super Duper won a few awards for the StoryMaker App. It’s fantastic! With so many apps out there that feel slapped together, it’s wonderful to find something so incredible. Find the free and “pro” StoryMaker App on iTunes and see for yourself!

little Indiana received a copy of the StoryMaker App by Super Duper in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are mine and mine alone. 

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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