Sunset At Praia Da Memória

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

This website may look rather quiet these days, but behind the curtain it’s anything but… in fact, it’s on fire. Not the congratulatory “You’re on fire!” that involves high-fives and salary bonuses. The kind of fire where you think, “I can put this out on my own, right?” and then when it looks like it’s under control, another hot-spot flares up and next thing you know, you’re running all over the house with flames popping up in the kitchen and then the garage and the fire extinguisher can’t keep up. Next step? Call the Fire Department.

I’d rather show you pictures of the beach, quite frankly.

As you can probably guess, I’m the one racing around trying to fix the technical issues that crop up in the running of this website, and after weeks of back and forth with an untold number of support staff at my hosting company, I’ve resorted to asking my in-house tech guy for some tech support. As he would tell you, I don’t like asking him for help. Plus, he has to deal with people asking for help all day long. Since Ice the Dog is pretty useless in this department — he prefers gross activities like rolling around in dead things (ugh, what a day) — I’ve run out of in-house experts.

Anyway, at the rate I’m cycling through the various technical issues, I should be running out of them soon, right? That’s what I keep telling myself.

So, in the meantime, while I cycle through the metaphors — firefighting, playing Whac-a-Mole (turn down your volume), trying to plug the dyke with a finger — I will post pictures of places I’d rather be than sitting at a computer looking at numbers. If the website goes down, imagine that I’m doing some sort of behind-the-scenes acrobatics, trying to prop it back up again!

July 2, 2016
Album: Portugal [Summer 2016]