After taking a year off, we're thinking of planning another Sunny South spring vacation this year (you may recall our Mexico fun of 2012), and we're open to suggestions.
Lucky for us, we travel with another family, and our friend is willing to take on the responsibility for planning (thanks, GD!), but if anyone has recommendations for great destinations (in terms of countries or specific resorts) we'd be glad to hear them. We'll be traveling with five kids ranging in ages from five to ten, so somewhere child-friendly is a must.
My one non-negotiable criterion is that the destination has to be hot. Not just "warmer-than-Canadian-spring,-take-your-coat-off hot", but "bikini-in-March-hot".
I think we're leaning towards Caribbean resorts (maybe Bahamas or Dominican?) but we haven't committed to anything yet, so if your family has had a great experience somewhere, please leave a comment or send an email to let me know. Thanks!