Sunny Days Ahead

By Bec Dickinson

Well, that word on it’s own is enough to strike fear in even the burliest looking man.
It ain’t fun, and it certainly ain’t something I look forward to with anticipation….

But, on the other hand, there’s always the super super sunny prospect of Summer holidays after exams.
You could pretty much call it the rainbow following the storm if ya wanna, cause I tots am.

And boy, is my rainbow gonna be bursting with colour!
So much to do, so much to see, and I’m gonna have the time to do it!
“jump jump jump around”

So, i’ve been kinda compiling a ‘holiday to-do list’ in my head… and as per usual, I’m are genially concerned i’m gonna forget it one mornings when I’m in the note cramming mode, ya know how it is…

Here it is,  both for your general entertainment and… well I guess for my mental well-being too…

1. Do a day trip to the beach (plus fish in chips, cause what would the beach be without it?)
2. Have a camping trip… and maybe, possibly, potentially sleep under the stars
3. Go strawberry picking. So going strawberry picking.
4. Bake christmas goodies like. there. is. no. tomorrow.
5. Go on a mini day mountain hike
6. Play some guitar. Scratch that, actually learn some guitar. (and play fully sick as songs)
7. Hop the Game of Thrones boat, and get hooked like the rest of the world
8. Read a hella lotta books like a boss
9. Revamp room, so it’s mega awesome, cosy, and colourful
10. Bloggity blog blawg blog blog bloggy blog
And of course, this won’t be able to be done without money so…
11. work my absolute butt off to afford this cray cray lifestyle

Let the countdown to freedom begin!
(and let’s see if I can fulfill all my Summer aspirations…. check back with me in 3 months… and I’ll probs say something like ‘Ahhh at least I don’t need to write another list for next Summer!’)

What are you planning to do on your next holiday break? I’d love to know :)

P.S. All pictures from Pinterest