Sunday Sweets: Store Trip

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

I am part of a group on Facebook called The Everyday Momtographer, for moms aspiring to capture the beautiful in everyday life, and every week there’s a new challenge. A few weeks ago, it was “in public” and we were challenged to document a trip outside of our own houses — to the park, to the store, on errands, wherever. So when we went for a short run to a small store near where we’re living, I timidly brought along the camera, sure someone would tell us we weren’t allowed to take pictures in stores.

But nobody did, and I got some of my favorite pictures of Asa ever!

I would love to start taking more pictures of him as we’re out and about; I may start carting my camera with me on more shopping trips, because it was a lot of fun!

In other news, this little man woke up at 5:30 today, and uh… I am not a fan of waking up that early. I may have had a breakdown this morning because of that and also because we’re out of almond milk for my coffee. Yeah. Being a girl with emotions is fun. Haha!

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

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