Sunday Surfing 4/1/15

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Ok so weird things happen. For some reason wordpress decided this was a draft not an actual post…and I just realised, so here it is…

Sunday Surfing is my weekly feature (inspired by Chrisbookarama‘s Friday Bookish Buzz, which is one of my favourite features) where I share my favourite links from during the week, about books and blogging. Plus a little about what’s happened on the blog this week.

Let’s get started.

Around the web this week

Feminist Picture Books

Churchill in Fiction

British Bookshelves Average 86 Books. I have a feeling I have posted this before…

Still Alice Being Prescribed to Dementia Patients.  In terms of the article there are at least two problems immediately, but the information is interesting. I’m planning a musings post on this sometime this week.

And on the blog this week…

I reviewed The Kommandant’s Girl

The Kids Read Sometimes I Like to Curl Up In a Ball