Sunday Surfing 14/9/14

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Those of you who follow me on twitter might have noticed I’m been posting a lot of links recently. Sunday Surfing is my  feature (inspired by Chrisbookarama‘s Friday Bookish Buzz, which is one of my favourite features) where I share my favourite links from during the week, about books and blogging.

Plus a little about what’s happened on the blog this week. Lets get started.

Around the web this week

Artists reflections on the changing face of reading

The Booker Shortlist has Arrived

Experimental fiction worth reading

This college Professor will pay for the text books of one student who beats him at a computer game. Seems strange to give them a reason to procrastinate from working.

Our favourite books- according to facebook

Rainbow Rowell’s journey from newspaper reporter to famous author

What to read now based on your high school favourites. I don’t get why Frankenstein and The Historian go together rather than Dracula and The Historian

Which Roald Dahl character are you? I got Charlie Bucket

Bloggers as Publicists and Bookbridgr. I was pleasantly surprised to see Ellie mentioned in this article.

And on the blog this week…

I reviewed The Cuckoo’s Calling

Children’s Hour revisited Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

And my giveaway results were revealed