Sunday Summary | North East Blogger Awards

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
From attending the North East Blogger Awards ceremony to Afternoon Tea yesterday, I've definitely been a fan of cake this week!

On Tuesday I went along to the NE Blogger Awards in Bonbar, taking my sister Lucy for some moral support and the opportunity to mix with some other bloggers. If her blog Baking Without isn't nominated for best food blog next year I will be surprised! I didn't win my category, Best Lifestyle, again this year, but it's still great to be shortlisted (and have last year's win under my belt too) A huge congratulations to everyone who was shortlisted and those who did win!

Also this week I've been to the cinema to see Burnt (Bradley Cooper is great as ever and the food looked really good too!) had a bit of a pamper in Metrocentre's The Body Shop and had a sneak preview of Festive Afternoon Tea - more on that next week. I shared my visit to Mineral House Spa and a new outfit this week, take a look if you haven't already.

The news of what happened in Paris on Friday night has shaken us all. It's tragic to think people were out having a meal or seeing a band and didn't make it home that evening. It's been great to see the rest of the world showing support with landmarks like the Empire State building and Sydney Opera House lit up with the French tricolour; but it shouldn't have to come to this. It's really sad.

Hopefully tonight I'll be off to the Lumiere in Durham and I'll pop up a post next week about it if I'm able to get any good photos. 

What've you been up to this week?