Sunday Summary | Merry Christmas!

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Sunday Summary | Merry Christmas!Okay, I'm two days late to wish you a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it; but I'm sure you'll let me off! I hope you had a lovely day with lots of food, fun, presents and family - if you don't celebrate Christmas, then I hope you had a lovely Friday too!
So, with the festivities well underway - I see no reason why Christmas food should end after Christmas Day, let's have leftover turkey on Boxing Day (and a curry tonight with the final scraps that are left) a cheese board every night - who am I to judge? and plenty of wine/drinks if you fancy.

This week I kind of let the blog take a back seat, I wasn't planning to post much over Christmas, knowing that the majority of you may be online, but would rather browse the sales than read about my latest outfits/trips out. I have had a bit of time to think about the direction I want to take Hello Freckles in 2016 and there's always room for improvement, right? Do let me know what kind of posts you enjoy reading and if there's any content you'd like to see that I've perhaps not done before - any more lifestyle chatty posts where it's more about me and less about the clothes I'm wearing, or the latest lipstick I've discovered.

Speaking of which, I'll have a couple of more chatty lifestyle posts coming next week; looking back on the past year and maybe a overall 2015 favourites, I'm bypassing 5 From This Month - December Edit, when the only difference would be my perfume of choice lately is Jo Malone rather than YSL Black Opium...

I hope you've had a great week, whatever you've been up to and yes, you should eat that chocolate, or have that extra drink, or even buy another jumper in the sales - it's Christmas and you don't need any other reason!

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