Sunday Summary | I Bought a Car!
By Hellofreckles
Yay! Say hello to my shiny white VW!
After spending every weekend for the past 6 weeks looking for cars, I finally found the one I wanted to buy and picked it up yesterday. I've been in two minds about sharing what I bought, but since there's a photo up on instagram and facebook now, it seems only right to give it a mention here too. Let's face it, if my tweets are anything to go by, I'm going to be talking about it quite a lot! Apologies in advance if you're not into cars but it's exciting to finally own one!
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who read my recent post, Feeling Sad. I was completely overwhelmed by the comments and the feedback I received from family, friends and work colleagues who read it. I felt a bit uneasy sharing something so personal, but after the lovely response I'm really pleased I did. I just hope that it'll help others who are in a similar situation.
I think I might share a little fitness update next week. I'm now into spinning on my lunch break then metafit after work! Though I should mention that's only on Thursdays. I still need to figure out a gym routine or get a plan organised with one of the trainers, since I don't even know where to begin with weights or anything other than running on the treadmill!
Hope you've had a great week (and a belated Happy Valentine's Day for last weekend if you did anything nice!)
I'll be back on Tuesday!