Sunday Summary | Hello November!

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Here we are, the eleventh month of the year. Leaves are falling fast from the trees, it's dark by 4:30pm and I think it's time to stock up on hot chocolate for the transition into Winter.
It's been a busy ol' week, but I'm sure I say that in every Sunday Summary post. From seeing Spectre, to playing Mario Kart at work on a 3DS (I came first in one race on Friday and considering I usually finish 7th or 8th, it's a bit of an achievement) it's been pretty varied.

Spectre completely lived up to my expectations. Daniel Craig has been an excellent James Bond and I think Skyfall is my favorite (even with that ending) Don't get me wrong, Spectre was really good with plenty of action, different locations and another incredible Aston Martin, so I'd recommend seeing it if you haven't already.

This week on Hello Freckles I shared my latest 5 From This Month, thoughts on H&M's new beauty collection and a closer look at Fenwick Newcastle's Food Hall. 

I've had a really productive weekend, which is unusual as I'm usually the kind of person to sleep in then rush to get everything done on Sunday. Yesterday I got up early and drove to Morpeth, had a lovely walk along the river and popped into a couple of shops (more on that in another post) before heading home via the Metro Centre. After a quick change I then headed through to Newcastle for a 3 course meal that I'll be telling you all about next week. The Nutella dessert was amazing.

Today I got up early again and went through to Durham with Sarah to shoot some outfits and introduce her to my favorite coffee shop. November looks like it should be a busy month with something planned every weekend and the NE Blogger Awards Evening is now just over a week ago. Keep your fingers crossed for me! I better find a dress to wear...

What did you do this week?