Sunday Summary | Food, Blogging and Shopping

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
It's been a week of events, that exciting Adele news and searching for a winter coat.
I think we've all been talking about her, whether you're a fan or not there's no denying that Adele has an incredible voice. I really like 'Hello' and the meaning behind it is something I can (sort of) relate to. Everything aside, it's great to have her back and I'm excited to hear the album next month!

This week I found out about Dermalogica skincare, which was really interesting. I like hearing about brands and visiting different counters. I find that once you know a bit about the brand it doesn't feel as daunting to walk over and chat to the staff about products. I'll be sharing a bit more on Dermalogica soon, so if you're a skincare fan - check back! Whilst we're chatting about beauty, I blogged about Ramside Spa this week, so make sure you check that out if you're looking for spa inspiration. If food is more your thing, then The Pancake Kitchen is probably up your street.

I've been to a new restaurant in Gateshead this week, trying out thai inspired tapas and I'll hopefully be heading back again soon. That same night I also saw The Walk - that JGL film about the guy who walks on a wire between the twin towers. It was in 3D as that was the only screening available that day, and whilst I'm not a massive fan of it - sometimes it seems like a bit of a gimmick - it really worked for the perspective when Philippe was practicing and of course, that scene where he's actually on the wire. I even got sweaty palms! Yes, I know it's CGI and everything but to think a guy actually did that is equally terrifying and amazing.

On Friday I went along to Fenwick, Newcastle to their Food Hall launch. They've completely revamped the hall and it looks totally different, brighter, bigger and more upmarket. Katy and I had a great night eating lots of canapes, trying all the chocolate and admiring the huge selection of cakes!

Today I finally found a winter coat, after trying on so many! I've also tried on several All Saints leather jackets, so I'm ready to grab one in the sales on Boxing Day - it's only 2 months away though shockingly!

Hope you've had a great week, what did you do?