Sunday Summary #44

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel

Happy November! I can't quite believe it's November already; it feels like this year is flying over, especially since I started my job. At least I can start getting excited for Christmas now, I should probably start my shopping soon!
This month I'm heading to Edinburgh to see The Gaslight Anthem yet again and seeing their Christmas market; I know it won't live up to Berlin last December but I'm looking forward to some mulled wine! Probably some crepes too...I'm also looking forward to blogging this month (I do every month, don't get me wrong) since I've planned out all my content. It should make it a bit easier since these dark nights are gonna be a pain for getting photos taken.This week my boyfriend and I visited Miller and Carter Steakhouse in Newcastle for a meal and we were both really impressed. You can see a full review (and all the photos - be warned, you may end up hungry) here. I've also featured the Halloween products from Lush this week. I visited a Lush store today and they still had a few bits left, so if anything here takes your fancy get along quick!The biggest achievement this week was passing my driving test. I'm so pleased! I seem to be having some pretty good luck lately and thinking positively seems to really be working. First with the promotion at work, then the blogger awards and now successfully passing my test. I hope there's no more bad news on the way to balance it out though!Hope you've had a great week, I'll be back with new posts on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday next week!