Sunday Summary #37

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
I'm got exciting news...
I'm going to be on TV! Yes, really... in the new University advert! I saw a preview screening on Friday and spotted myself twice. I'm also in the extended cut (which isn't being shown on TV or in cinemas) a total of three times! I'm a bit scared to see myself on the big screen in the cinema, but it'll be pretty cool too!

On Thursday I attended the VIP re-opening of Lush, Newcastle so expect details of that up on here soon, I'll also be writing a post for the magazine I write for too. I'll link everything on Twitter when it goes up so be sure to follow me over there.

It's now less than two weeks until my birthday and I have no idea what I'd like or even what to do. I've got a long weekend off work but I just can't think of anything. Gimme some suggestions if you think of anything!

This week I've talked about my new favorite lipstick (post here) and recommended the best burgers in the North East (post here) and while I'm proud of those posts and enjoyed writing them, I feel like my blog is lacking something. I don't know what but I feel like I really need to up my game with blogging. I wanna create content people enjoy reading and watching. Yes, YouTube I'm coming back!

There's only a few days left to get your nominations in for the North East Blogger Awards so I'd absolutely love it if you wanted to nominate Hello Freckles! I'm going for 'Best NE Lifestyle Blog' so click here to nominate me, entering my url and link your favorite post. I'd be ever so grateful and leave me a comment or tweet me when you've done it!

Hope you've had a great week. What've you got planned for next week?

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