Sunday Summary #29

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
So it seems like summer has finally arrived for the UK this week! Find out what I've been up to...
If you saw last week's Sunday Summary or even my post on Tuesday, you'll know I've been to Paris this week. It was so warm, we're talking 25-30°+ and I was loving the heat! We did quite a few of the touristy things (and hit up the french pharmacies and Sephora, ohhhhh man) but there's honestly so much to do that I'm already trying to consider when to go back! I'll be posting about the trip over the next few weeks so look out for that.

Landing at the airport back in England, I found out the horrific news about MH17 and now, three days later; I still cannot get my head around it. It's devastating and my thoughts go out to all those affected and the poor people on that plane. It's absolutely heartbreaking news.

Tomorrow I start working full-time so as you may expect, I've spent today struggling to decide what to wear for my first day! I want to set a good impression and look professional but still look like myself, y'know? Any suggestions are more than welcome as I'm currently surrounded by a mess of clothes I've pulled out of my wardrobe!

Although I'm gonna be working full-time, I'll still be blogging three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday and I'm going to try and get back into YouTube and hopefully upload weekly if I can. Go subscribe if you haven't already!

What've you been up to this week?

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