Just in case you didn't guess from last week's post or the cheesy photo above, I've finished University!!! I handed in my final assignment on Monday and it's still not sunk in yet. The past three years have flown over and it's been incredibly difficult at times, but I'm so glad I stuck with it and I just hope I've done enough to get the grade I want! After 17 years in education, knowing that I've not got any more assignments to do or lectures to go to (unless I end up doing something post-grad) should feel like a relief, but it just feels weird! I'm thinking about maybe doing a few posts related to University and my experience, let me know if you'd like to see that.
It is nice to have time to myself and be able to do things again though. I've been to the cinema twice and out for two meals, as well as searching for graduate jobs and things to do after I graduate.
On Friday I spent the afternoon out with my parents; something that I should really do more often and hopefully now I've finished uni I'll be able to. Then yesterday I worked what may well be, the last University Open Day as a student ambassador. There is another in August but I don't know where I'll be in terms of jobs then. I've really enjoyed being an ambassador for all three years I've been at uni and Open Days are one of the best events to work, you get to meet so many people and they're always busy days.
Tonight I'll be having an Orange Is The New Black marathon before a serious clear out of my wardrobe tomorrow and continuing my job search. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until Tuesday to see Game Of Thrones as Andrew won't get home until late tomorrow (if you're up to date, you'll know how much I need to see the next episode!!)
What've you been up to this week?
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