Sunday Summary #13

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
I know you've probably spotted the One Direction egg and began wondering, if you follow me on instagram, you'll already know the story behind it. If not, don't worry, all will be explained and I promise I'm not some kind of new fan! Haha. 
Since it was sunny last Monday (which seems like so long ago, I'm typing this looking outside at the fog that's filled the sky) Andrew took me to Lickety Split, an ice cream parlour that's nearby. Surprisingly, neither of us had been before despite how close it is. I can safely say we'll be returning though and I have a little post to pop up about our visit sometime next week.

So, the One Direction Easter egg... Well, I spent Wednesday to Friday working with a group of students from Glasgow who were visiting Sunderland University on a residential trip. They were all great kids, who really put the effort in with the tasks we set them and they were all way better at bowling than I was. Yes, we took them bowling on Wednesday night and I was shamefully bad, even with the bumpers up. Despite that, I'm convinced that I can beat Andrew so I shall have to take him sometime soon. 

Friday morning we answered any final questions in the form of a student panel Q & A. When that finished and we were getting ready to take them back to the train station, one of their teachers stood up and thanked us for our efforts during the week. He then presented each of us with a gift (2 ambassadors: myself and Luke and 2 recruitment staff) that was in some way linked to what they'd found out about us. As they'd discovered I'm a blogger and really into music (they each were given Spark Magazine's latest issue where I basically feature on every page!) they gave me One Direction. I found it hilarious but still really sweet at the same time; I hadn't expected a gift and it really made me feel appreciated for spending the days with them when I've got a hell of a lot of final year work to do! I really do wish them all the best with their Nationals and Highers if they go on to do them.

I've been having a massive clear out this weekend, said goodbye to three pairs of trainers and I've filled two charity bags to the brim. It feels great! I've also popped up a few beauty bits on a blog sale if you'd like to take a look. I should be updating it with more soon but I want to know your opinion; should I use my blog sale or eBay for selling clothes? I don't know which would be better. Let me know!

The last thing I want to say this week, is Happy Mother's Day. I feel really lucky to have such an amazing Mam (yes I'm a Mam kinda girl, not Mum) who supports everything I do. She even watches my Lives Online videos and reads my blog from time to time, how sweet is that?! I love the photo of us that I've featured above, me aged 4 and my Mam holding my baby sister - who actually turns 18 next month!!

I hope you had a great week!

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