Sunday Stand-Up: Temporary Retirement (+ Louis C.K.)

By Humorinamerica @HumorInAmerica

Tracy Wuster, Editor

For the time being, or maybe permanently (who knows?), we are retiring the “Stand-up Sunday” (or “Sunday Stand-Up”) feature.  All Sunday posts, actually.  We will be moving to a twice per week schedule, with posts on Monday and Thursday (with an occasional post at other times, if we feel like it, or have a lot of posts).  We will still have discussions of stand-up, I am sure, and we welcome you to contribute (yes, you, you-who-are-reading-this).

And since this is the final Sunday Stand-Up post for awhile, at least, I will end with some stand-up.

According to our highly scientific poll below, Louis C.K. is the second most interesting/important humorist to study currently.

His special, “Live at the Beacon Theater,” was highly enjoyable.  In light of Thanksgiving, I was thinking of his brief discussion of the origin of the word “Indians,” which then segues brilliantly into a discussion of white privilege.  Enjoy.