Sunday Snaps!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
This week has been rather busy but lovely and productive too! I've now made up a cleaning schedule so I can keep on top of the househould chores, I'll admit I can be rather lazy when it comes to tidying..don't get me wrong I'm a clean person but not the tidiest! Plus when it comes to having a toddler to entertain it's rather difficult to get anything done, especially when she's teething and clingling to my leg as I'm washing up! Still, I'd rather have a slighty messy house and a happy baby :). I just wanted to have some sort of routine so the past 2 days has gone rather well!

One exciting thing is that we can now put Abbie's hair in pigtails!!!! Yes it made my week! We made a little trip to Matalan and bought her some clothes and stuff, but I spotted the hairbands and clips and couldn't help myself! As soon as we got home I put her hair up, she was happy to sit there and let me do it which was even better :). We bought her a few outfits, some tshirts, jeans, jacket & some other bits  from Matalan, they have such fab deals all the time and all their stuff is gorgeous! I didn't even dare look in the homeware section, I knew i'd go crazy! We let Abbie walk around which she loved, she kept escaping and giggling, whilst stopping at every mirror to admire herself..she's just like her Daddy ;).

I tried her with some cheese yesterday, her face was a picture, I wish I would've filmed it, but she kept eating it so i think that's a good sign! She's not really been one to experiment with new food, whenever we've given her new stuff she just pushes it off the she only has one tooth which has been a struggle for her with the harder foods!

Here are collection of photos from the week, hope you enjoy them :)

The first pigtails :)

In her new fluffy body warmer :

All snug in her Matalan coat and Lollipop Lane blanket!

She really has the most beautiful eyes!

Looking so happy.....

Giving me a heart attack..she's such a daredevil (yes I stopped to take a picture)

Higher pigtails :)

Santa's here!!

If it doesn't fit, I will try anyway!

Hope you all had a fab weekend & have a great Sunday! :)x