Sunday Shopping – Appraising Pages Nightmare

By Jazmin-Jade

So I sort of failed again to get prices for things but you still get a good idea of the value. I loved loved loved this box.

Jack & Sally Mug from Evie Seo:

Cost – US – 15, AUD – 20.54

Shipping – Soooo shipping was free the day I checked. I will update later if I remember.

Thoughts – This is probably one the best things I have ever seen. It makes me wish I drank more hot drinks.

Would I Buy It – Yes, in fact I think I am going to go buy some stuff since there is free shipping at the moment.

Christmas Town Shirt from Appraising Pages:

Cost – US – 20, AUD – 27.38

Shipping – US – 20, AUD – 27.38

Thoughts –This is one of the cutest and comfy things I have ever put on.

Would I Buy It – I would pick it up if it was on sale, as that is a lot of money for a shirt.

Jack Ornament from Appraising Pages:

Thoughts – I couldn’t find anything like this on the page so I don’t know the cost. I think it is super cute though and I totally love it.

Would I Buy It – Yes. For many people.

Candle from Cherry Pit Crafts:

Thoughts – So there were no candles on the etsy store when I looked so I couldn’t find prices! Seems to be a recurring thing here. I did really like the candle and it smells amazing when lit.

Would I Buy It – Probably not because I could find something that smells that good just in one of my local stores.

Sally Bookmark from Nerdy GRL Designs:

Thoughts – So the store is closed for the holidays… WAAAAA don’t you know I need information. It is super super cute though and the other items on the site (that I can see from reviews) look adorable.

Would I Buy It – Yes, and I will go back and buy more form the store one day.

What I Paid For The Box: US – 55, AUD – 74.41

Box Worth: US – 55+, AUD – 75.30+ (Exchange rate changed so the price is different)

Final Thoughts: Would Buy Again. Yes. Need More.