Sunday Salon for 14 May 2023

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Happy Sunday! Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz. Check out her post and the links to see what other bloggers have been up to in the last week.

How's the weather?

I lost count of the times that the weather radio blared Saturday afternoon. At our house we saw lots of rain for about 20 minutes with a little hail mixed in. Other areas near us had larger hail and flooded roadways. We may get more severe weather today. This is all pretty normal for Missouri in May

We've been experiencing highs well into the 80s. Sunday should be the last day of that. I'm looking forward to some cooler days.

What are you reading?

I'm stepping up to lead our book group this week because the scheduled facilitator had to back out. So, I'm speeding through Beautiful Country: A Memoir by Qian Julie Wang. Fortunately, I agree with JoAnn of Gulfside Musing who commented last week that this was a four-star memoir for her.

What are you watching?

Doctor Who, Season 11. I lost track of Doctor Who just as Jodie Whittaker took the role of the Doctor. Rick recently subscribed to HBO Max. I plan to watch the recent seasons as quickly as possible because this show has a history of jumping from one streaming platform to another. I want to see the episodes about the first female doctor while I have access. I'm on Episode 6 and I'm really enjoying it.

What are you doing?

My birthday week was delightful. I described my celebratory activities in Friday's post about my favorite parts of the coronation and enjoying afternoon tea at the London Tea Room.

What are you writing?

During my birthday tea, my brother and I looked through a scrapbook and diary that my mother kept during our family trip to Florida. That was in 1973, 50 years ago next month. This weekend, I'm drafting #50YearsAgoToday posts to recount that trip day-by-day as it happened.

Here's a sneak preview that will give away one of our Florida destinations.

How are you this fine Sunday?

About Joy Weese Moll

a librarian writing about books