Sunday’s Little Thing – Patchwork Present

By Littlebckpacker @littlebckpacker
June 29, 2014

On today’s ‘little thing’ – a new feature which I introduced last week – I wanted to tell you about a company called Patchwork Present. This is a company which got in touch with me a while back, asking me to share their idea and what they do with my readers. For weeks I brainstormed for an awesome way to tell you about this company but I just couldn’t come up with something I was happy with. So instead I’m sharing it as this week’s Sunday’s Little Thing

Patchwork Present

Project Patchwork is a very unique idea and I’m yet to come across anything like it: basically you create ‘patchworks’ which you can then send out to friends and family and get them to buy one of the patchworks as a present. Brilliant if you have a birthday or Christmas coming up and people have no idea what to buy you. Some family members are happy to hand over the money and be done but others (my Grandma is especially bad for this) like to know exactly what you are putting that money towards. This way those family and friends can choose what they want to buy you as well – Grandma isn’t going to buy you a beer on the beach but your cousin might! They have ready made patchworks for you to use or adjust or you can build your own from scratch, I can see myself building my own just for fun!

Patchwork have noticed a lot more people using their website for creating gap year ‘patchworks’ and collecting money for their year abroad. So if you are one of those lucky people: just out of school and the world at your feet creating a patchwork might be the perfect way to get that extra bit of cash for your travels. I remember family wanting to get me a present for finishing school and passing my exams, or like I said earlier if you have a birthday around the corner then it might work great for that too.

Unfortunately for me, as much as I love the idea of the company I could never see myself using it. I have now travelled so much that my family don’t give me spending money for my travels now and I almost feel too old for that kinda thing too. I am a person who personally slaves away to save my money for travelling and then can really enjoy the time away. I think this issue has been keeping me from sharing this awesome company with you for so long because I don’t want to share something I don’t think I would personally use.

Anyway I’ve said it all now. Why I think it is awesome and why I just don’t imagine myself using it. On the other hand if you are getting married and want people to put money towards something as a wedding present I think this works fantastically for that.

Check them out here