Sunday’s Are Still My Favorite Day Of The Week

By Firstladyb

Even though the pandemic has altered my Sunday's a little bit, it's still my favorite day of the week.

There is something so pure and hopeful about Sunday's.

I'm a creature of habit. I like to do certain things at certain times and on specific days of the week.. I don't allow anyone or anything to altar how I move through life. That's one of the ways I protect my peace.

So when the pandemic came along and tried to throw a monkey wrench in my Sunday routine, instead of giving in to temptation I found a creative way to keep my routine which consists of: my morning prayer time, my cup of starbucks coffee, online church ( yes I miss fellowshipping with other believers, but until we get a vaccine for this virus, I'll continue to practice social distancing), spending quality time with my family (which now consists of a lot of FaceTime calls) , my afternoon workout, work week prep and in bed by 8:30 pm.

Lately I've been staying up later because of all the election specials that are running on MSNBC and CNN. Like tonight I'll stay up to watch the portrait of the iconic Jackie Kennedy as part of CNN's First Ladies docu-series. She's one of the first ladies I've always admired because of her style and grace. She introduced me to big black shades and cigarette pants before I even knew that's what they were called. Last week they featured Michelle Obama, and her spotlight was amazing! Most of the things I already knew from watching her career from afar and reading her book, but you can't get enough of Michelle Obama and her contagious optimism.