Sunday Postcards: Summer Holidays

By Fashion Addicted Foodies @fashionfoodi


Kris has headed for her summer holiday and I am left to hold the fort here at Fashion Addicted Foodies. So it’s no wonder that my thoughts drift to dreaming of a perfect summer holiday. Summer holidays are just the best, aren’t they? It’s double happiness – it’s summer (who can be sad during summer!) and you’re on a holiday (no words needed here!).
What do you dream to do on your holiday? I am glad you asked. I dream of long, lazy mornings. Sand in my hair, toes and basically everywhere. Stroke of a warm wind while sipping a cooling and delicious cocktail. Long, hot summer nights spent outside at campfire roasting marshmallows. Hitting a food market, music festival or a patio of a champagne bar with your closest friends to have a summer evening filled with laughter, champagne and good food. Walking back to your summer cabin or beach house in the dusk while being surrounded by mind-blowing fragrance of wild flowers. A cozy day spent reading a book you just cannot put down while slowly swinging in a hammock a patio. Long walks on a beach. Sailing over sun-kissed and sparkling blue water. Jumping into a tender warm ocean, lake or pool to cool down.
Yes, I have a theme here – long, lazy sun-kissed summer days spent enjoying life in the company of family and good friends. That’s what my summer holidays dreams are made of!

Here’s to long and lazy summer holidays! Let yours be perfect!


Photos: via Pinterest