Sunday Funday with #TWIW Link Up

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
Happy Sunday Funday (Note: Funday isn't a word, I know because it always comes up in my spell check lol)!
Just finishing a killer workout with my trainer. Deadlifts and lunges and squats oh my! I am working on my post workout nutrition (belly shake of course) and I am actually giddy for another installment of 'This Week in Workouts'!
What a week. We have a Grand Opening for a new location just north of Toronto on Tuesday evening from 4-8pm. Here is a sneak peak of what the new club looks like:

Sunday Funday with #TWIW Link Up

Shiny new club. Clockwise from left: cardio area, cycling studio, free weight area, hammer strength area.

I started every day this week with a breakfast bellyshake. What is a bellyshake? It's basically a raw, vegan protein shake full of delicious green and clean carbs. I also add Sun Warrior Raw Plant Protein (which has 15 gms of protein per scoop) and a small scoop of veggie greens to add even more plant power. I was rushing around every morning to get to work on time, trying to pop and weave through Toronto traffic to get up to Scarborough (which is just north of Toronto) so my bellyshake was easy to eat and I always feel so good about starting my day off with green veggies, healthy fat (from the avocado) and protein. Note: you can also substitute the avocado for half a banana, but try and use one or the other. Avo's and b-nan's really help make the shake nice and smooth and just plain delicious! I made everyone at work try some and they all agreed!
Sunday Funday with #TWIW Link UpI don't really have that much else to report from my week. Work, workouts and chicken. That sums up my week in three words. I am way behind on my blog reading. However, I did spend Thursday night just relaxing and reading blogs and it was so nice. I wasn't frantically writing my own and Laura from Girls Gone Sporty is featuring six blogs every day, so I am trying to read those and support my fellow ambassadors. I find some bloggers just shamelessly promote their own blog, some even go as far as to send our their links more than once and repeatedly post the same link in a variety of different places in an effort to get people to read it. I LOVE the idea of promoting other people's blogs, like LOVE LOVE LOVE it! That is exactly the reason why I starting doing a Sunday link up on my own blog. Not to promote me, but to promote others and and share successes or even challenges that we've had from the past week. I really enjoy reading blogs and I have met a lot of really awesome people through my blog and reading other blogs, had the chance to connect with some really awesome companies AND join a few cool networks (Fit Approach & Girls Gone Sporty to name a few).
So without further delay, here is how my week in workouts shook down:
Monday: 60 minute PT Session
Tuesday/Wednesday: Off
Thursday: 90 minute Hot Yoga at Moksha
Friday: CrossFit workout (click HERE for the details)
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 60 minute PT Session
When I reflect back on my past week, two things really stand out:
1. I totally deviated from the plan I had set out for myself on Sunday of last week. Ooops.
2. I still managed to squeeze in four workouts in! Hollllaa at me!!
For those of you who aren't exactly sure what I do for a living...a big part of it is setting up new fitness clubs. So actually opening up boxes, unpacking and setting up a new GoodLife Fitness. The week before a club opens is always the most physically demanding because we are literally moving in and setting a new fitness home for our members. I don't exactly sit behind a desk all day (I don't even have a desk, unless you count my lap where my laptop sits lol). My highlight from the last week was definitely the 90 minute hot yoga class. I haven't done 90 minutes of hot yoga since I went to a place called Y Flow in Vancouver on New Years day 3 years ago. 90 minutes is a long time. I was with three of my co-workers and although we were exhausted afterwards, we felt detoxed, lean and mean!
On deck for this week:
Monday: 60 minute PT Session
Tuesday: Grand Opening Party Day/Off
Wednesday: Group Ex Class (maybe BodyPump)
Thursday: Hot Yoga
Friday: Off
Saturday: Interval Cardio
Sunday: PT Session
(I am hoping to stick to this plan. Wish me luck!)
Lastly, in order to make #TWIW even more fun, I am working on making November extra special. I am going to be doing a small giveaway every Sunday, just for those who link up for This Week in Workouts. Here is what I have on deck for giveaways:
November 4th: Allergen Free Gals Gluten Free Goodies Giveaway
November 11th Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Giveaway
November 18th The Simply Bar Giveaway
November 25th Energy Bits & SweatPink Shoelaces Giveaway
Super exciting, right??? Now every Sunday in November is guaranteed to be a Funday. I will keep y'all posted on exactly how each giveaway will work.
So let's get this party started shall we??? I hope everyone had an amazing week and you are gearing up to make this one even better. Remember if you tweet to use the hashtag #TWIW (for This Week in Workouts) and let me know if you accomplished something extra awesome so I can give you an extra awesome shout out! Oooooh I am so excited to see what everyone accomplished this week!
Happy Linking,
P.S. If you are having trouble linking up, not to worry just email me your link at and I will link up for you (sometimes inlinkz is silly and slow).