Sunday – Funday

By Philmonk

Today we went for another walk in the snow, I took my camera in the hope of getting some proper snow shots on our walk.

Our neighbour spotted us and asked if we’d like to borrow one of their sledges again which we did.

Jessica didn’t seem to bothered about it at first, until I got Jo to sit on it so I could pull her along – much to her embarrassment and my amusement.

From that point on she either wanted to be pulling the sledge or was trying to get Jo or myself to sit on it and be pulled along. Jo wasn’t so thrilled when I sat on it and got her to pull me along.

Daddy and Jessica on the sledge

We went for a walk along a disused railway track that runs along the back of where we live. It was really pretty as it’s lined with trees, all covered in fresh snow.

We took turns in pulling the sledge, or sitting on it, depending on what Jessica told us to do (amazing how bossy a 19 month old can be)

Where we live is quite hilly, and we managed to find a slope that wasn’t too steep to be able to do some proper sledging. To be honest, I was dying to have a go.

Not sure if Jessica would like it, we didn’t go to far up the slope but as usual she loved it and we giggling and laughing, so we did a few more runs, taking it in turns to walk up the slope and slide back down again. I got busy taking some pics until the battery on my camera died. I thought I’d get some video on my phone of us sliding down and getting Jessica laughing. Typically we both had terrible runs, myself in particular, falling off after just a few yards.

Jessica was getting cold and tired so we headed home – the only time she actually wanted to be pulled along.

We had great fun for that hour or so and it reminded me of what this is all about, spending quality time together and having fun, it’s easy to forget all this in the day to day grind but little moments like this really bring home what being a little family is all about.