Sunday Diary #7

By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx

1. It is safe to say that I whole heart-idly fail at doing these weekly! I normally work a Sunday so by the time I get home, I have completely forgotten to do it but this week I am forcing myself into doing it! I want to try & make myself do them every week as it is a nice way to catch up with everything.
2. Classes start back at uni on Tuesday... 2nd semester 4th year. Eek! I can't believe how fast these 4 years have gone, it is crazy! This semester is going to be mad crazy but it will all be worth it in the end - I hope. Speaking of uni work, if you are willing to do a short online interview/focus group with me on fashion blogging then that would be massively massively appreciated as it is my dissertation topic! More to come on this soon.
3.  Music of the week has to be ... Jessie Ware! If you follow me on Twitter then you will have seen my Tweets about this lady & her new album. It is just perfection. Perfect listening. Now all I need to do is find a friend that likes her & make them come to her gig with me!
4. I went bowling on Friday night, the first time in years & it was so much fun! I'm not brilliant at it but it was fun so who cares... haha. Also had a beasting  night out last night. I totally live for the weekend.