
By Reservedforruby @reservedforruby

Sunday. Outfit photo day. And yes I finally managed to get someone to take is not so easy considering how busy everyone is. But alas, it happened.

I only wish weekends were longer so I could fit in more of my favorite things to do. It would be amazing spending all day everyday on your favorite hobbies. Maybe one day. For now, I am cramming in all of the fun stuff to evenings and weekends, like most people. At the moment, I am slightly addicted to the Olympics. The nail biting 100m hurdles to the 800m races, boxing, tennis (well done Andy Murray), and gymnastics. I could watch them all, all day! Which is strange coming from a normally not sporty person, maybe my childhood sportiness is coming out!

I bought this dress from Jarlo. I want to buy everything on their site at the moment. The dress didn't come with a belt but it definitely needs one. So I added a bright pink belt which I bought in Primark years ago!

I had to close the Jarlo site from my browser, along with Warehouse and Topshop. I undoubtedly have an issue with buying clothes I don't need. I also go to sleep thinking...dreaming of a new autumn wardrobe. I am trying to figure out if it is the actual "sport" of shopping that feeds my addiction and not actually buying stuff for me. If that is the case, taking up a career as a personal shopper for other people might be the only cure.
Dress: Jarlo Necklace: H&M