Sun, Mood, and Stars

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

It's amazing how influential the sun can be on ones mood. For most of July and the early part of August here it has been bright, sunny, warm as you'd expect summer to be. However there was a big shift away from this here from last weekend onwards.

The rains were welcome but gray clouds do come with them and unlike last month these clouds stayed on. And temperatures dipped down too and a little chill in the air can be felt since the weather shifted. I had to dig out a thick sweatshirt to keep me warm while out in the garden. And on my way to work it was a bit odd to see a lot of people wearing knitted jumpers (sweaters) like it was mid autumn already rather than middle of August.

Grey days coupled with chilly, damp air make for an autumnal feeling. Although I suspect this is temporary and warm weather will come back again the sudden change has made an impact on my mood about the garden. One moment I was inspired and perky with the exuberance of summer and all the fast growth in the garden, the next moment I have gone on an indoor mood and found myself thinking of plans for the winter.

But it's only August and it's not like nippy summer days are unusual here but the very sudden shift derailed me a bit from my summer state of thinking. Odd feeling but I'll get used to these gray days and cooler temperatures if it persists. It would be nice though if sun and warmth comes back again for the rest of the season. There's plenty of room for the gray and cool/cold in the autumn and winter.

Again, it's fascinating how influential the sun is one's mood and behavior isn't it? What about the stars? I was supposed to take photos of the star masks while there was still daylight but alas it was dark already when I remembered to do so. So it'll have to be a photo of it with flash instead. I'll take better photos of it in the next few days.

Mark :-)