Sun Care in Sport with Ladival #LoveSPF

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean

As you may or may not of noticed I am covered in moles. I absolutely hated it at one point of my life, but my Dad would always call them beauty marks and so I've learnt to love them. My main issue now is keeping them in check - I constantly have to make sure none have changed or discoloured, or anything that might mean they're not looking quite right. One of our family friends had skin cancer at a young age due to a mole, so I've been forever regimented in looking after my skin. Today I'm going to be chatting to you about sun care with the help of Ladival Sun Cream and their new campaign, #LoveSPF and the exciting new of me becoming their brand ambassador.
I used to be a bit of a hermit when it came to sports training, essentially I'd simply be rather dull and stay in the gym or be inside doing aerobics classes. Even though there is a time and a place for that kind of training, I find it boring so love to embrace the outdoors and train when I can amongst the fresh air. As today especially is rather sunny and temperatures are due to rise, going for a run at a peak time of the day might not be a smart move. However if I'm stuck for time it might be my only option. What do I do? Cake my body in suncream. I know it sometimes feels daft when you're in the UK using sun cream, as often we only associate sun care when on a beach - but I assure you it's made a huge difference to my training and I know I can concentrate on the job in hand. 

When I did my first triathlon in 2014 I made the silly mistake of not using suncream and obviously caused my shoulders to go red. Really silly when I think about it - if I can protect myself why should I not? All this comes with a bit of excitement actually because Ladival Sun Cream have asked me to be a brand ambassador for them. Obviously I am super excited because skin care is really important to me. This year, Ladival is proud to be the official sun protectors of British Tennis, and are aiming to support and encourage safer play in the sun whatever sport you're doing. It's utterly daft but 61% of 13-24 year olds avoid sunscreen in the hope of getting a better tan, but damaging your skin then can still lead to developing cancer in later life. So Ladival has launched this awesome campaign to encourage safe sun play this summer. Introducing the #LoveSPF Rally and it's all about sharing your sports selfies! I love a mid-run sports selfie! The even better thing about getting your snap on, is that for every sports selfie generated Ladival will donate £1 to the Shunburn campaign for Teenage Cancer Trust. 
Join me in the ultimate sports selfie challenge, but don't do anything that could risk yourself whilst taking a photo (been there!)... better yet tag me in your pictures as I love to browse Twitter and Instagram for a good sports selfie! Tweet me  and's get snapping!