SuMonday Surfing 28/8/17

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

SuMonday Surfing is my weekly feature (inspired by Chrisbookarama‘s Friday Bookish Buzz, which is one of my favorite features) where I share my favorite links from during the week, about books and blogging, and from other blogs. Plus a little about what’s happened on the blog this week.

This weekend I was ill and staying at my Dad’s (I’m still ill but back home) so I decided rather than taking my computer with me I would just postpone a day.

Let’s get started.

Around the web this week

Looks Like this Book Bought its Way on to the ‘New York Times’ Bestseller List

Books in Happy Meals Are Back (if you’re in the US)

The Estate that Inspired ‘The Great Gatsby’ is up for Sale (read my review of Gatsby)

The Most Reviewed Books on Amazon I’ve read a fair few of these, which have you read?

10 Literary Blogs to Read I was hoping more of these would be blogs which are just blogs rather than blogs of bigger companies, but they’re still worth having a look at

!NEW! On other Blogs this Week

A Mass Subscription Unboxing on ‘Curiosity Killed The Bookworm’ I’ve been vaguely thinking about getting a subscription box, this is good to see what sort of things a few boxes provide

Literary Lindsey’s Review of ‘Word For Word’ made me want to read it despite it not being exactly what I thought it would be

I’ve been looking at booktube a bit recently. It seems a bit YA based for my tastes but ‘Tomes with Tea‘ recommended this vlogger ‘Mercy’s Bookish Musings’ who seems to have fairly similar taste to me. The first video of hers I watched is at the bottom of the post

And on the blog this week…

Top 10  Important Books for Teenagers

I Asked What You Would Like to See a Review of