Sumo Me – The Digital Marketing Swiss Army Knife (For Free)

Posted on the 05 March 2016 by Andykinsey @andykinsey

SumoMe is a Swiss Army Knife for Digital Marketing, whether you are looking to build your email newsletter list, add social sharing buttons, add google analytics or test smart bars (like the one at the very top of this page) – SumoMe has it all, and it’s all built to be tested in a scientific way, so you can build test and repeat – ensuring you are always getting better and better results. As an example in the space of just three months in 2015 SumoMe helped SEOAndy triple it’s email list size through optimisation of it’s pop up’s, plus it increased our article shares!

I can’t recall when I first found out about SumoMe, but in summary its a Free toolkit to help you make the most of your website traffic, oh and it takes seconds to install on ANY website.

Who is SumoMe for?

SumoMe is pretty much for anyone who is looking to improve interaction within their website, the plugin doesn’t take the place of SEO plugins for WordPress (such as Yoast or Squirrly) instead it is a highly complementary addition to these types of plugins.

SumoMe isn’t just about WordPress either, it’s for any website which also means it’s ideal for anyone in Digital Marketing to help with for their clients… no more need for a ton of plugins on Magento or a custom build CMS when SumoMe can evencreate heatmaps and content analytics to help you.

It’s worth repeating that SumoMe is FREE, every module is free to use and has some paid upgrades – these can give you access to extra templates or perhaps remove the branding element, but you don’t have to take them, our use on SEOAndy is 100% free and our results have been amazing.

Our Favourite SumoMe Tools

SumoMe is jam-packed with the most amazing digital marketing tools and they regularly add something new to the ‘app store’ giving you even more options. Below are the ones we’ve really grown to love over the past couple of months, not just hear on SEOAndy but on other websites too.

List Builder

Probably the best “pop up” email list builder you will ever find, we’ve tested tons over the years from optin monster to noddy nonames and we’ve never found anything so easy to use, nor as successful as the List Builder on SumoMe. Once you’ve added it to your site from the ‘app store’ you simply connect it to your service (there’s about 20, including big names such as MailChimp and Aweber) and design your forms. They’ve got a large selection for you to use and customise, a number of these are premium in design but from experience even the default template gets a rise on the conversions of other systems.

List Builder has A/B testing built in so everything from background image to text color and button color can be changed, you can also control things like what pages the pop up gets shown on and when it gets shown. It’s really clever and useful, we’ve heard stories of 10x sign up increase overnight due to switching to this list builder.

Social Share

Social Sharing is a big thing in the modern world, its how we find everything from news to which photographer we want to use at our wedding. But it’s because of this that there are so many plugins that have sprung up in recent years, this has it’s issues as each wants to reinvent the wheel, many try to add things like open graph data or twitter cards – SumoMe has none of this, it’s respectful in knowing that you’ve probably already got that covered (after all any SEO plugin worth it’s weight has this built in and optimised!).

Instead SumoMe focuses on usability and ensuring that it is “stupidly easy” for users to share information they find on your website. Couple the share button app with the “highlighter” app (where you select text and it gives you the option to tweet it) and you’re onto an instant winner.

Welcome Mat

Welcome Mat’s are a high converting way to push traffic to a specific action, whether thats a sign up or landing page/conversion led page. In essence they are a dropdown screen takeover system which you can customise to push your users towards a specific action, recently we used this to push a clients traffic towards a crowdfunding campaign – generally its another email listing building tool.

Google Analytics

It’s may sound odd that I am saying that you should be using SumoMe for Google Analytics but the reality is two-fold. 1) it gives you a dashboard to your analytics, it can help you spot issues instantly without needing to keep an eye on the actual GA dashboard 24/7. 2) Many themes update on a regular basis and if you’ve manually input your Google Analytics tracking code it can drop out by mistake, SumoMe will prevent this from happening.

SumoMe Review: A Must Have Plugin

For me SumoMe has become a “must have” plugin for any website where Digital Marketing and pushing to be the best really matters. If SEO matters then SumoMe, whilst not directly affecting SEO itself, really should be considered a part of the holistic picture. SumoMe is a brilliant set of tools which work on any website, it’s free and so there is no risk attached – the only question is, why you’re reading this and haven’t started installing SumoMe yet… (joke) … here’s a quick run down of the Pro’s and Con’s to SumoMe.

SumoMe Pro’s:

  • Quick To Install (around 1 minute, including sign up)
  • Fast Deployment of Apps (around 1 min per app to config)
  • Doesn’t Affect Caches (I’ve never seen SumoMe have an issue with any cache plugin or CDN)
  • It’s really fast to load
  • Ton’s of options(both in number of apps and within the apps)
  • It’s free to use, forever!

SumoMe Con’s:

  • It is freemium (so you have to deal with branding unless you upgrade)
  • It is freemium (so some of the best templates cost a few $, but not much)
  • Installing every app will eventually slow your site down (but not as much as 25 seperate wordpress plugins would)

Click Here to Get Started with SumoMe

Original SEO Content by SEOAndy @ Sumo Me – The Digital Marketing Swiss Army Knife (For Free)