
By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
When it comes to the summertime, I literally turn into a child on Christmas morning, the excitement of sunshine is too much for me and my mood can be completely lifted, it's a proven fact that sunshine makes us all happier, and that is definitely true for me.  When is it 'summer'? For me it's the first hot sunny day during those summer months. As a Brit we treasure the sun and although the summer months are June, July & August, there is no guarantee we will get anything until at least September..I'm one of those people who love the heat at first but after a few days of being sweaty, sticky and unable to sleep at night, I find myself dreaming about rain and storms! But now I have Abbie it's so much easier when the weather is nice, if she's having a ratty day its easy just to go for a walk or go in the garden for a splash in the pool! The Perfect Summer's Day? My idea of the perfect summers day consists of sitting in the garden with friends, sun shining, BBQ on the go and the little ones playing nicely together, no stress, no worries, just completely chilling out and enjoying life. We recently spent a lovely afternoon doing just that, instead of the BBQ though we went all British and had fish and chips, bliss! The girls played together so nicely all afternoon, splashing in the paddling pool and running themselves ragged, whilst us adults kept a close eye but actually had 'adult time' took there's nothing like speaking to other adults when you live with a toddler! Haha.

What is Summer To You? Summer to me involves; sunshine, hot weather, fresh juice, lemonade, salads, BBQ's & days out! It's also the perfect time to do as much as we possibly can as a family. Ben usually takes a good 3 weeks off over the summer so we plan lots and lots of activities!  This month we have been for a lovely walk to the Stourhead House & Gardens which is possibly one of the most stunning places in the UK i've ever been to! We've had an impromptu BBQ at the in-laws which was possibly the best one i've ever had (don't tell them that though!). A trip to a gorgeous little animal park for Abbie to enjoy, a perfect afternoon with some awesome friends and a lot of random walks and splashing in the paddling pool!

Today is probably my favorite sort of summer's day. We have nothing planned, it's warm but not muggy, Abbie is being perfectly behaved, we have dinner planned out (simple jacket potatoes with tuna, yum!) there is no stress, no worries, just having a nice chilled day (i've not even done a single jot of housework either, shhh!). I'm in scruffy clothes, Abbie is running around in her nappy and we are just playing together and drawing little pictures which will definitely be going on the fridge! As much as I would like the weather to cool down so we can all get a proper nights sleep, I just know that once our summer is over and it begins raining everyday, I will be wishing for the next hot day to return!  x