
By Agnes

Smokey and I've been up since 6 am this morning -- all fresh and full of energy. 

Not sure about Smokey's reasons, but I finished up a job late last night - and it feels so incredibly good! 

It must have been close to midnight when I finally got home, so I guess it would make a lot more sense to be exhausted than to feel all perky -- but for some reason, finishing up the old and getting on with the new tends to feel the opposite of exhausting.


Dinner with my friend Ernie last night. Had a sudden downpour of summer rain, complete with a real rainbow, plus a much appreciated cold(ish) breeze… beyond relaxing I gotta say. Been seeing a lot of Ernie lately, looks like we might be working together on a project over the next few weeks, which would be awesome so fingers crossed that I book it. 

Been loving dark & smudgy eye make-up lately and have taken a simultaneous and unforeseen liking to gold lipstick as well.

Gold lipstick never fails to remind me of that almost forgotten Summer from a long long time ago, when I was young and naive and probably a lot of other even more appropriate adjectives. Bonfires remind me of that same Summer too… as does the smell of Old Spice.