Summer Tag

By Mollylouise

Summer is here and what is better than a summer tag? I was tagged Mary at Crazy in Life. There are 9 or so questions so lets proceed into the summer goodness.
What's your favorite thing about Summer?
It's a chance to do whatever you like and go where ever you like. I think holidays are the best though, walking across the beach, seeing landmarks. It's just a big adventure. I've been lucky to have summer from pretty much May.
Do you have a favorite Summer drink?
I love those fruit juices from Starbucks and Costa. They're so refreshing and healthy which is such a bonus.

Is there a location you like to go to each Summer?
We vary quite often, we'll go to one place a year or so in a row, then we completely change location. This year I'm going to St Ives Cornwall so that'll be fun and a throwback from 2011.

Favourite makeup look for Summer?
Light and easy, heavy make-up will just run down your face and you'll look like a clown. Little bit of concealer and mascara won't hurt.

Dresses or skirts?
Dresses are the best, so convenient. It's basically a one piece so you don't have to go through the hassle of finding a cute top which I find is an inevitable task. 

Sandals or ballet pumps?
Ballet pumps purely because I hate toes. Ballet pumps are more cut and they're more practical for long walks, perfect for summer adventures.Hair up or down for Summer?
Up, I feel that hair down makes you feel more hot and I find it unbearable.
Favourite perfume for Summer?

I don't like wearing perfume in the summer. I prefer body splashes as they're more light scented. My favorite is Boots Natural Collect Wild Strawberry. It smells fruity and some people say it smells like calpol but I love it.
Favourite music for Summer?
Definitely something upbeat which I can dance along to. Summer is all about the party so some party tunes wouldn't go a miss.I tag these beautiful ladies to do this summery tagPauline @ Pauline blogs about fashionChantal @ SavvySuperStylishSara Wallflower @ Sarah Wallflower
Happy Summer!To all those going into the last week of term, work hard!