Summer Roundup: God Keeps Making It Grow

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

And just like that Summer 2014 has unofficially but officially come to an end! :) A happy, sad, and surreal reality. Honestly I cannot believe I made it. From opening a bakery, trying to figure out said bakery, figuring out how to run the bakery, and trying to balance life, etc… everything about this summer has been wild and crazy. How I’ve made it this far is beyond me and only due to that of a higher power. I don’t think I have enough words to articulate the full scope and range of emotions that this summer has evoked so I won’t. I’m grateful to have this blog to allow me to capture all the best and worst moments so this time period isn’t a complete blur. So without further adieu I will pay homage to Summer 2014 through photo and leave you with one of my favorite biblical quotes. It helps me stay centered, focused, humbled, and aware. Everything that I do is not of my own initiative but by the Grace of God and so many others who have provided assistance in a variety of ways. To each and everyone of these people you mean more than you know. I planted, Apollos waters but God truly keeps making all things grow (1 Cor 3:6)

We’ll start with the gleanings from this year’s garden. Heavy rains and no time gave me a dismal return this summer but fortunately God’s green thumb is better than mine. Nature worked it out.

Only a food obsessed foodie nerd like myself finds happiness in apple picking and gardening. Fresh apple tree in the city. #PRICELESS

This summer couldn’t have happened without our summer intern D. Seriously we could not have made it without him. Special thanks to Rochester Works for providing us with summer support and helping us make it during our very first summer in business.

D and a new very special friend Toni. (Side note: Blossom and has introduced me to an assortment and A+mazing people)

Costumes, laughs and hilarity are always part of our party. Work hard. Play harder.

See what I mean

Soliciting business by any means necessary.

One of my favorite photos of this era. My Mom, Mama Cindy, Grammy and Blossom all the very special women in my life that I literally couldn’t survive without any of them

Oh the places you’ll go

And there you have it #Summer2014