Summer Plans 2016

Posted on the 18 February 2016 by Dave Nevue

We're already halfway through February and spring and summer is getting closer. Can't wait! Only this year we really have to figure out where we could go and what we can be doing, with a three-year-old and a one-year-old who is running away, without looking back, as soon as you put him on the ground. Soon we won't even be able to put him in the stroller. Last year we went to Greece with my parents, so our kids had four grown ups watching them. It was the best time ever! My husband and I could relax by the pool and go on several date nights. We stayed for a week but my parents stayed for two so they were able to relax when we left - they said it was so boring though. This year however, it won't be possible since baby A will be completely unreliable around the pool and by the sea, so we have decided not to go this year. It's sad I know, but it's just not worth it when all you see is danger everywhere you turn. Next year it will probably be better and we could go again. We are thinking about staying in the country and maybe renting a small cottage for a week, we'll see. We will definitely go up north and visit my sister anyway.

Have you been doing summer plans? Any advice on how two travel with two toddlers?

//Nicole Hellgren

Last year in Greece. C with his dad.

Baby A, about seven months old enjoying the pool for the very first time.

I want to go back!!