The 2016 summer Olympics is approaching fast! The whole world will have their eyes on Brazil soon. My family will be hooked to the television the whole time, and we will be supporting the athletes and countries from around the world. Along with the games, and ceremonies, I will be looking for decor inspirations from Rio and other parts of Brazil. While waiting for all this to happen, I did a quick search on "Brazilian decor and streets" which led to all these stunning images. Now, I am quite envious of the lucky ones participating and witnessing the games in Brazil! I hope the Summer Olympics 2016 is spectacular, and Rio is ready to host everyone.
Tell me what you think of these bright exteriors. Some of the colours used here are rare and the closest I have seen are in the San Fransisco Victorian neighbourhood. The intricate details around the doors and windows and the rustic iron grills are quite unique as well. I find these streets brilliant and breath-taking. I also like the way they twist and turn! How about you?
I hope to bring you more inspirations from Brazil in the upcoming blog posts. Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to your comments!