Summer New Releases

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Now that summer is here, I can’t wait to start on the books being released this year! Here is my list of the summer books worth diving into!

Out of Breath(Breathing #3) by Rebecca Donovan

Emma leaves Weslyn and everyone in it behind to attend Stanford University, just as she always intended. A shell of her former self, she is not the same girl. She is broken, and the only way that she’ll be whole again is through forgiveness. Emma must find a way to forgive herself and recognize her own worth before she can receive the love she deserves. This final installment will have listeners holding their breath until the very end.

We interviewed Rebecca Donovan awhile back and fell in love with her as a writer. I can’t wait to see how she finished off her Breathing series. Out of Breath is now available purchase here!

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Darkness never dies.

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her–or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.

The second book in the Grisha series is now available. My co-blogger Amanda loves this series( you can find her review of Shadow and Bone here)and is planning in picking up her copy at SDCC. You can purchase your copy here!

Origin(Lux #4) by Jennifer Armentrout

Daemon will do anything to get Katy back.

After the successful but disastrous raid on Mount Weather, he’s facing the impossible. Katy is gone. Taken. Everything becomes about finding her. Taking out anyone who stands in his way? Done. Burning down the whole world to save her? Gladly. Exposing his alien race to the world? With pleasure.

All Katy can do is survive.

Surrounded by enemies, the only way she can come out of this is to adapt. After all, there are sides of Daedalus that don’t seem entirely crazy, but the group’s goals are frightening and the truths they speak even more disturbing. Who are the real bad guys? Daedalus? Mankind? Or the Luxen?

Together, they can face anything.

But the most dangerous foe has been there all along, and when the truths are exposed and the lies come crumbling down, which side will Daemon and Katy be standing on?

And will they even be together?

Since I have been very invovoled in the Lux series,( I’ve read them all… a lot) I’m clearly going to be diving into Origin as soon as its available! Speaking of, expect to be able to get your hands on this August 27! You can preorder it here! If you haven’t read the Lux series yet, you can start it now to be ready for the release of Origin!

What’s on your summer reading list?

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