Summer in the White Room

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

The white room, you know, that room at the back of our house overlooking the garden? I must confess that up to now I'm still not comfortable using the word 'conservatory',  I'm not used to it and it feels weird saying but it is what it is...

Astrophytum myriostigma

Anyway, there are some summer plant activities going on in there too. Not as dramatic as the ones happening outside but active enough to be noticeable.

The Agave 'Cornelius' is busy putting out new leaves

The Pachira aquatica is growing away nicely looking very lush, with leaves not too dissimilar to my beloved Scheffleras

The Chamaedorea radicalis have been sending out flower spikes

Although one has been very sneaky...

Neither of us have noticed it before until I took the photo of the Bishop's Cap above, looked at the photo and noticed something strange in the midst of it all.

It turns out that one of the aerial roots of the Philodendron 'Xanadu' beside the cactus have leaped over its pot and has been inching its way out, perhaps over the past few days, or even weeks.

Triffid alert! A plant trying to invade the space!!

Philodendron 'Xanadu'

Good fun though! I'll leave it be and observe how far it will go or where it will end up. I'll leave it alone and will only start to interfere once it goes somewhere totally insensible (like the side of the door, or across the floor, etc). As for the plant itself, it is looking fine and dandy and enjoying its spot in the white room.

As for outside, well you won't be able to help but notice the very bright blooms of both the Eremurus and Kniphofia thomsonii var. thomsonii on the first raised bed, giving us a wonderful summer treat of hot orange and yellow colours!

Anyway, keep enjoying summer (we are!) and play well outside!

Mark :-)