Summer in Greece Part 2 (Photo)

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hello Everybody!
Happy Monday, hope your weekend was amazing and relaxing.
Mine was a total blast, just catching up with friends are all leaving for their different Universities.
We all went to a friend's summer house and just swim, watch movies, drink and chill by the pool making fun of each other.
From today officially my vacation is over and am back to the clinic for my Internship and also back to the stadium for my training session, woow new season already right?
So here are some of the amazing pictures from my vacation, my next post will be the holiday haul (I promise..)
Just jump in and enjoy your wonderful week lovelies, and please no Monday blues, but Monday Grace.

Vereia , OK its was great but we stayed on for a day and we didn't sleep there.

 Aristotle Square and Saint Sofia Cathedral behind me.

The Mediterranean Palace Hotel in Thesalloniki, A night is all we could stay because we wanted to stay in different hotels we like.

The Corinthian canal is waaaay more than amazing and gosh I love Loutraki, only the beaches have no sands, its only small rocks :-( . More in Corinth next time tough, so much to share about this epic town.

The little House we stayed in for two days in Xalkidiki.

Shopping after a long day, classic and so me and my family , always shopping.
Cheers and kisses till next post.