Summer in Greece Part 1 (Photos)

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hello loves!
How are you all doing?
Greece to is a second home, as you all know, I am Nigeria and also Greek, raised abroad and still live abroad.
I have been to many places, lived there and consider some my "home", right now I live and study here in Greece.
This country is one of the most beautiful places , with its amazing historical sites, beaches, mountains, and people.
The country is going through a lot lately, but one thing I love is the positivity of the people, their smile is always warm and welcoming. The media abroad is not very just though  a lot of negativity and propaganda is everywhere out there about Greece, but don't judge by what you hear, come , visit and then Judge.
My Cousins are Italians and they all study in England (another of my many second home.), they always say things about Greece that is been said to them and are totally not true.
We all with my family go to Italy every Summer, since we have a summer house in Verona , but I decided to stay in Greece last year and visit my friends summer house in Pelopponisos and also Syvota, we took a small boat and visit nearby islands, it was magical.
This year I already knew how busy I will be with the internship , so I did not plan any vacation, but I keep telling my Cousin that Greece is their best options for vacation, and finally they did come and they love it.
A lot of pictures were taken and I will gladly share them all, but they all can fit in a post.
We visit Corinth, Xalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Loutraki, Peiraious, Vereia, and Athens, we missed our ship to Rodos but its all for the best , they will come back again , you can see every thing in one visit.

The poor guy was stunned when she ask him to have a picture with him, meet my little princess.

One of the best  hotels in Athens, the view from the rooftop swimming pool is amazing, check out Novus City Hotel in the center of Athens, great service and amazing people.

 The view from the pool at night, ACROPOLIS.
The room service is wonderful, and the princess is always too bored to come down and eat at their variable and amazing buffet.

Our disorganized room, laptops and pillows everywhere.

 The podium of the hotel Lounge.


The little museum inside the Monastiraki train station, its beautiful.

The ancient Agora site.

The local tourist market of Monastiraki, if you find yourself in Athens don't miss the flea market and the local shops here, they have amazing items, I will do a haul too.

Places in the hotels and views from the hotels.

Me after a long day in the hot sun, its was like 45 degree Celsius.
Till next post dearies, take good care and enjoy the rest of your summer.