Summer Holiday Reading

By Drharrietd @drharrietd

Wondering what to read in the hols? Why not check out one of the BookBuzz features in the new edition of Shiny New Books?: 

The Editors Pick Their Summer Holiday Choices!

Lots of recommendations for books to take on the beach, the plane, the train, or to just stay at home and curl up with. 

Also, I finally got round to doing a bit of housekeeping on here. I haven't been paying much attention lately, what with the run-up to the new edition, but I took at look at the Blogroll (over there on the right) this morning and found to my shame that there were defunct blogs on it, and worse, some of the sites I visit regularly were not there at all. So I've started to update it, and it's looking better already. I know there are lots of wonderful blogs I've missed, but hope that will be remedied soon. In the meantime, if I've missed yours, many apologies.