Summer Greens I

By Pmeurice
   Back to work! The last two weeks have been really full, and busy at the office. As the days are getting busier, I find it difficult to start a painting and finish it in one or two sessions. I then try to work on longer project and come to it bit by bit.
I started an Oil landscape : this is a view from Opal coast, a sunny early summer day. One can stroll through the greens of the fields before the sight goes to the sea and the sky… Horizon line is not well defined, as sea and sky seem to melt. This work is also larger than the usual works : (90cm by 70cm) - this is at least the larger size I can get into my flat and be comfortable with… 
here is a first view : 

Summer Greens - Work in progress

I'll see where I take it from there : I need to work more on the foreground and on the blue areas. but the main idea is there… Giving the sense of vivid feeling one can get walking through North of France countryside… the sight and the thoughts begin refreshed passing through the color variations.