Summer Evenings in the Garden

By Clairejustalittleless

Young plants need a lot of nurturing yet it is so rewarding. For the last two months we've been watering, weeding, watching, waiting and wondering at how rapidly our new garden is taking shape. I love the stature of our tall grasses (Karl Foerster), the featheriness of the pony tail grasses and the bronze tufts on the setaria lowlander grass. White geraniums add light whilst the lavender adds depth and invites insect visitors. The verbena bonariensis that arrived from Far West Cornwall, after an unexpected long postal journey, have fully recovered and are determined to produce flowers this year. Thank you Elizabeth.

These delightful plants are just a small part of our small garden. I promise I will show you more of the makeover soon. Despite the good weather I still haven't finished painting the fence or shed. We have a table and chairs to collect from my parents as well. Sometimes you just have to down tools and and take it all in. Stop for a moment or more to stroke the plants, sit still and catch the movement of the leaves in the breeze or sop wine and snippets of the day with your loved one.

We have no regrets about removing the lawn and our simple makeover is reaping its rewards already. This is where you'll find me on evenings like tonight. 

Have a wonderful weekend xo