Summer Days

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2

July is starting with a bang. It's hot!

Since moving from Minnesota, I have become a winter gal, but years ago I preferred summer to the arctic freeze.

I have fond memories of my childhood summers.  Playing in shadows for hours, meadow picnics by Nine Mile Creek, climbing trees, and enjoying homemade ice cream on a blanket in the evening.  Days at Bush Lake, night games, and my dad with his telescope positioned just right, waiting for darkness to fall.

Staying cool on hot summer days

I tend to be up and out the door for an early morning walk so the dogs can retreat into dark corners of the house until peak heat passes.   Seldom drinking hot coffee/tea in the summer, opting for a cold coffee in the morning and infused water all day long. 

Popsicle's are a must have treat in my home, and the dogs nosh bowls of ice cubes throughout the day.  My Pinterest food board is full of frozen low calorie treats, perfect for hot summer days.  Below I'm sharing a favorite recipe for a delicious treat.  

Creamy honey ice cream on the stalk

I have made this frozen popsicle a few times, first discovered on Pinterest.

For approx. 8 pieces  

  • 400 ml of coconut milk
  • 3x Greek yogurt (a'150g)
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 120 g honey (flowery or woody honey)  


  • Bring coconut milk to a boil, remove from the heat and let cool for at least 10 minutes.
  • Scoop out the vanilla pod and place the marrow together with the yogurt in a large bowl. Stir in the honey. Press the lemon and add the juice. Add the cooled coconut milk.
  • Fill the ice cream in ice molds and place in the freezer overnight.

I love trying fun new, simple recipes and these ingredients are always in my pantry.  Do you have any summer only recipes that you look forward to making/eating? 

July Fourth is just days away.  We will be going to a parade in the morning and a big get together late afternoon.  Do you have plans for the Fourth?

Wishing you a lovely summer, filled with family and friends.