Summer Challenge

Posted on the 22 March 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

I know summer is still a few months away but I have been thinking how to make my life more environmentally friendly and sustainable.  I keep thinking about what to do but now I want to make the next step and start taking action.  I am tired of just coming up with solutions but not having any follow through.

My plan for the summer is to have a week where I don’t use my car, I am planning to do this the first week of June.  Instead of my car I will depend on walking, biking or public transportation.  One of the reasons I have yet to do this is because when you have a child it is easier to use a car.  You can be quick, efficient and on time with a car.  This is key when there is nap time involved.  Leland is now getting to the point where I can transfer him once he falls asleep which changes everything.

Some issues may arise this summer when we want to go to a place farther away than I want to bike or if we’re late from delayed public transportation schedules.  Also buying groceries may be a slight issue since the place where I prefer to shop is a bit farther than I want to bike and there are hills involved.  So biking with a week’s worth of groceries and a toddler sounds difficult, but since my husband works at a store I am hoping this is a way to get around it.  Keeping these parameters may also be difficult since I watch other children two days each week, but I think it will be manageable.

I am hoping this experiment goes well and I can keep to it for most of the summer.  I think it is a very feasible challenge to take for the summer and I hope others join.  I will update with the challenge once it takes place to let everyone know how it went.  Please comment if you want to join the challenge or if you have another challenge for yourself this summer.

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