Summer Buggy Fun

By Dena13

Hey, hey! I'm back with a card for the challenge at Magnolia-licious Challenge! The theme this time around is "Summer Buggy Fun".

I love when I get a chance to use some of my older stamps that I adore! I always thought she was so cute hanging out in the grass looking for bugs, just like I used to do as a kid, I know weird right haha!!  This is Explore Tilda from the Sweet Rainbow collection.
I colored her with Inktense Pencils and used some Maja Design papers with some Wild Orchid Crafts flowers.
We would love to see you join our challenge.  Here are a few details below:
You can color your Magnolia, Wee, & Wild Rose Studio images/projectsANY WAY YOU PLEASE BUT PROJECTMUST HAVE A BUG, BUTTERFLY OR INSECT of some sort in image or on project!
So pick an image or two and have fun creating a project to join us with! ...RUNS THRU JULY 7th! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!!!! Hugs, Dena