Summer Anime 2015 First Impressions

Posted on the 03 August 2015 by Kaminomi @OrganizationASG

We’re into August. That seems about a good time to call shows out and deride them or something. However, some guests have taken time to give their take on the Summer anime season: Charles of Beneath the Tangles, Ink of Ani-Gamers, and the Playing Grounded husband and wife team, Lara and Eric Andersen. They will share their opinions of the season so far along with Neomo, who’s been dutifully blogging Charlotte this season.

What’s been the biggest anime standout for you this season?

Neomo: I have, actually, been more than disappointed at what this season has had to offer. I can see how people have gotten suddenly interested in Monster Musume though (I mean, even though the girls are not entirely human, it’s still a harem show through and through); I can even confess that it’s sparked my interest after watching it so far.

I’m glad to be able to watch the rest of The Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls; I knew that a show with such quality couldn’t last 12 episodes. And I’m definitely looking forward to Non Non Biyori Repeat……once I finish season 1, that is…

Ink: Probably Gangsta. I didn’t expect much from it, and what I got was a distinct pleasure. It’s not a school days anime. It has some great camera work and lovely color palette. There are older characters. And there’s some seriously good storyboarding.

Charles: Of the series I’m continuing to watch, I haven’t identified any yet as being outstanding, though in my book, Charlotte, Akagami no Shirayukihime and the last season of Working!!! could all be that.

Lara: Shokugeki no Soma: For the food, of course! The animation is excellent. I mean the food is drawn so well and with so much detail. Even things I would never eat look delicious. I find it amusing how oblivious Soma is to his father’s past and to everyone else around him. I mean, he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in the opposite sex. He’s not fazed by anything, except failure. He’s still a likable character. As for music, the intro and ending songs in Part 1 fit the show very well. I’m not crazy about the songs for Part 2. All in all, I’m really enjoying this series. Kind of has that Iron Chef feel!

The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Aside from the violent, bloody battles, I’m really enjoying this story. I haven’t read the manga through, but I would like to eventually…(got my Crunchyroll bookmarked for when I’ve got some down time). The art and animation are good; it’s totally in keeping with the way the manga is drawn.  The story itself and the character are what I love most about this series. I can’t help but be endeared to Arslan; he’s just and righteous with a pure heart and good intentions. He’s selfless and brave, and he’s got good friends. I like each of the members of his “band”. I especially like Narsus (a brilliant tactician) and Daryun (an amazing warrior, and very loyal). Just like in LOTR, it’s the camaraderie between all of the members that I love the most. I did not like the opening song of Part 1, but I LOVE Lapis Lazuli by Eir Aoi; it’s the perfect song for this series. I like Kalafina, so the end song for Part 2 is good, too.

Working’ !!!: This is my slice of life pick of the season. I loved seasons 1 and 2, but even if you haven’t seen them, I still recommend watching season 3. It’s fun and light-hearted. Seriously, I thought I was dysfunctional! Ufotable really puts out a beautiful product. Their attention to detail is remarkable. The music, it fits. Souma-san and Satou-san are my favorite characters. Of course, Poplar-chan is still as Kawaii as ever!

Eric: Working’!!!: This is a great slice of life show, probably one of my favorites. All of the characters add something unique to the show. Yamada-san is my favorite. The art/animation is excellent. Overall, a really enjoyable series!

Shokugeki no Soma: Really enjoying this show. It’s drawn so well, especially the food. What I love the most is how they go into detail about each dish, using scientific explanations and why they used the ingredients they did. I love improvisation in the kitchen, so I actually learned quite a bit about utilizing common ingredients to get better results. It’s like The Iron Chef meets Alton Brown. Though, I could do without “nature boy” running around in his loin cloth or his apron…not sure which is worse!

What’s been the biggest surprise for you this season?

Neomo: Okay okay, so despite my disappointment, Himouto! Umaru-chan has been entertaining, considering how I thought it looked terrible from the outset. My weakness is, of course, slice-of-life, so a model student becoming a lazy slob at home……I know something similar will come up in another season, but at least let me enjoy this a little while it lasts.

Ink: Honestly, the biggest surprise was the tonal shift in episode 2 of my most anticipated comedy of the season: Working!!3 (Working!!!).

Charles: I’m most surprised by Akagami no Shirayukihime, a show in a genre I usually skip, and in fact, a series I dropped after watching for just a few minutes.  I returned to it, though, as the encouragement of a friend and found myself really enjoying the pacing and characterization in the show.

Lara: Hmmmm, I can’t say I’ve been surprised by anything, yet.

Eric: I wasn’t surprised by anything in this season, though the first chapter of DurararaX2 had a few surprises.

What’s been your biggest disappointment, if you had any expectations coming in?

Neomo: Well perhaps it was when I only realised Sailor Moon Crystal (the current season that is) had finished until about a few days ago! Perhaps it was the fact that we had to wait 2 weeks for the next episode, so it just ran on and on and on until we forgot it was still going. And it makes me a total hypocrite considering I actually wrote about it here on OASG comparing it to the original. But I know I’ll enjoy the episodes I totally forgot were on, and so I’ll add it to the extensive catch-up list I have.

And I call myself a magical girl fan…

Ink: Wakako-Zake, the anime adaptation of a 26-year-old female who loves going out to drink and eat by herself, has yet to be licensed. Other than that, since I really wasn’t expecting much from this season at all, I’d say the only other disappointment is that Monster Musume Everyday Life with Monster Girls isn’t as OTT as I expected it to be. Why, I couldn’t tell ya. I mean, a snake jets jerked off in the very first scene, and there’s a full upskirt of a horse in Episode 2. Maybe I’m just jaded.

Charles: I’m not digging Ranpo Kitan – the show looks good and finds itself on the Noitamina block, but A) I haven’t found the series to be particularly clever and B) find Kobayashi incredibly irritating. Dropped.

Lara: I wasn’t too thrilled with the first two episodes of Durarara X2 Chapter 2, but it’s getting better now. I really miss the comical rivalry (to put it mildly) between Izaya and Shizuo.

I’m on the fence about God Eater right now. Although this too is a production from Ufotable (the ones who did Fate/Stay Night and Working’, both of which I love), I’m not hooked on it like I thought I’d be. The art is excellent, again that strong attention to detail. The action scenes are beautifully carried out, especially in Episode 3 (gorgeous!). But when I started watching it, something reminded me of Gunslinger Stratos. I’m not sure what it was. We’ve only just started the series. Episode 3 was so well done, I think it might have a chance. We’ll see.

Eric: I’m not too impressed with DurararaX2 part 2. It just seems that they are all over the place with the story. How are they going to tie this whole thing together in the end? I’m not one for a ton of flashbacks and rehashing things from the past. I’ve enjoyed this series up ‘til now, so I hope they come up with a good ending.

Any last thoughts on the season so far?

Neomo: Of course I want Charlotte to get better, and since I’m liking Himouto! Umaru-chan and the remaining episodes of Cinderella Girls (and secretly liking Monster Musume), I hope they’ll get either on the same level of likablenessness so far, or get better. Hell, I might find something mid-season that looks cool and catch-up on that. Example: Gatchaman Crowds has suddenly caught my interest. If it’s good, it’s good, and if it’s bad, it’s bad; only one way to find out.

The Fall season is bringing One Punch Man, a new Yuru Yuri season, the Girls Und Panzer movie…it would be mean to say that I already want this season to end so I can look forward to get stuck into fall, but it is kind of true.

Ink: I’ve been too busy to catch the amount of shows I usually give the time of day, but I don’t feel as though I’m missing out on much. Ore Monogatari still presses my “awwwww” button, and Working!!! tickles me. Until Wakako-Zake gets licensed, life is pretty much meaningless. Gangsta isn’t particularly involving, but it’s an awesome visual spectacle nonetheless. Conclusion: this is another season in which I’ll partake in real life more or catch up on series I meant to see in previous seasons.

Charles: I don’t keep up with current series as often as most of blogging brethren, so I can’t judge the season as whole – but it has the opportunity to still be wholly impressive or terribly disappointing to me, and that likely to be decided at the very end of the season, as I hope to see Working!!!, one of my favorite comedies, end satisfactorily and Charlotte hopefully end super-awesomely, maybe restoring my faith a bit in Jun Maeda/Key series after the last couple of disappointing outings.

Lara: All in all, it’s been an okay season, not fabulous. There are some good shows, and I really do like the ones I picked, but I’m hoping the Fall Season will show a little more promise. I’m especially looking forward the next season of Noragami Aragoto!

Eric: Honestly, I’ve been so busy with our Kickstarter preparations that I haven’t had a ton of time to watch many of the anime this season. From what I’ve seen, I’d say my top 3 are the exceptions of the season. This hasn’t been the best summer selection.

So, question for everyone:

  1. What anime have stood out for you?
  2. Biggest surprise?
  3. Biggest disappointment?