Suited and Booted: London During Christmas

By Wanderlust23

I’ve finished all my Christmas shopping and now that I am ready to enjoy the season I don’t have that much time.  All Autumn I’ve been traveling and exploring London.  Now Christmas is almost here and I’ve not skated or had mulled wine, or gone to Winter Wonderland.  Although I haven’t done those wintry/Christmas things I have still seen the city at its best.  The lights all around make London a very cozy place to be.

I broke down what makes A Very British Christmas last year so jump over there to get the run down.  This year what I will leave you with is a photo essay showing images of the city looking shiny and bright.  Besides summer, Christmas is the best time to be in the city.

I threw in a a very pretty sunset seen in my area this past Sunday.  We’ve been having gorgeous sunrises and sunsets.

What is happening where you live for Christmas?